Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Smoke From Self Cleaning Oven
Merry Christmas Christmas Offer Google Chrome by
" Share Google Chrome is now very easy. So if you're looking for ideas for your gifts, why not gift wrap Google Chrome with our special artistic packaging, and you give a super-fast navigation? Google Chrome is so user friendly that even your grandmother's love . "
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Poem For Money Shower
Effect of snow on the blog
This striking effect Snow has been well known for the Christmas season, but it never hurts to remember:
To add to the template we find (Ctrl + f) the \u0026lt;/ head> and paste it just before:
The script you can download it from here .
Demo: The effect is operating in this blog.
This striking effect Snow has been well known for the Christmas season, but it never hurts to remember:
To add to the template we find (Ctrl + f) the \u0026lt;/ head> and paste it just before:
\u0026lt;script type = "text / javascript" src = " snow.js "> \u0026lt;/ script>
The script you can download it from here .
Demo: The effect is operating in this blog.
Post-traumatic Hydroceles
a particular header: # 2
As the second part of this post I wanted to show how to add the effect to move each tag with just grab it. The truth is that not very useful by itself, but manages to distract a bit, and I've heard from visitors who are put to "play" with the clouds in Z-Graphics:)
The html code that we already had is:
The first thing to do is (if we have not done) add the jQuery library to the template (just before \u0026lt;/ head>): \u0026lt;script
Or we can also use:
After this we must add also the effect scripts:
\u0026lt;script Type="text/javascript"
Both the above files you can download it here: ui.core.js and ui.draggable.js . You can use these directions if you have nowhere to host the scripts, but I recommend you change it.
After adding the libraries create the effect: \u0026lt;script type="text/javascript">
$ (function () {
$ (". insert). Draggable ();
\u0026lt;/ script>
And add a few styles to the class" insert "
Finally add the removable type, which is what has the effect of clouds. To replace the html code that we had before:
As the second part of this post I wanted to show how to add the effect to move each tag with just grab it. The truth is that not very useful by itself, but manages to distract a bit, and I've heard from visitors who are put to "play" with the clouds in Z-Graphics:)
The html code that we already had is:
\u0026lt;div id=" nube1 "> \u0026lt;img src = "images / tag . png "/> \u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div id="
nube2 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/ nube2.png /> \u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt; div id = " nube3 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/ nube.png /> \u0026lt;/ div>
nube2 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/ nube2.png /> \u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt; div id = " nube3 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/ nube.png /> \u0026lt;/ div>
The first thing to do is (if we have not done) add the jQuery library to the template (just before \u0026lt;/ head>): \u0026lt;script
src="https://www.google.com/jsapi"> \u0026lt;/ script>
\u0026lt; script>
google.load ('jquery', '1 .3.1 ');
\u0026lt;/ script>
Or we can also use:
\u0026lt;script type = "text / javascript" src = "http : / / ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3/jquery.min.js "> \u0026lt;/ script>
After this we must add also the effect scripts:
\u0026lt;script Type="text/javascript"
src="ui.core.js"> \u0026lt;/ script> \u0026lt;script type="text/javascript"
src="ui.draggable.js"> \u0026lt; ; / script>
src="ui.draggable.js"> \u0026lt; ; / script>
Both the above files you can download it here: ui.core.js and ui.draggable.js . You can use these directions if you have nowhere to host the scripts, but I recommend you change it.
After adding the libraries create the effect: \u0026lt;script type="text/javascript">
$ (function () {
$ (". insert). Draggable ();
\u0026lt;/ script>
And add a few styles to the class" insert "
\u0026lt;style type="text/css">
. {Insert
cursor: url (images / hand.png), pointer;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;}
\u0026lt;/ style>
. {Insert
cursor: url (images / hand.png), pointer;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1;}
\u0026lt;/ style>
Finally add the removable type, which is what has the effect of clouds. To replace the html code that we had before:
\u0026lt;div id="nube1"> \u0026lt;img src="images/cloud.png" class=" movable /> \u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div
id="nube2"> \u0026lt;img src="images/cloud2.png" class=" movable /> \u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;div id = "nube3 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/cloud.png" class=" movable /> \u0026lt;/ div>
id="nube2"> \u0026lt;img src="images/cloud2.png" class=" movable /> \u0026lt;/ div>
\u0026lt;div id = "nube3 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/cloud.png" class=" movable /> \u0026lt;/ div>
Demo Download | . Rar |
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Adult Gaviscon For Baby
clouds animated e-referrer: Where do your visitors come from?
E-Referrer is a simple way to know from where the visitors to your blog or website.
To implement only need to register and index the javascript code that give us an item in the blog.
can see the example at the bottom of the sidebar of this blog (references).
To implement only need to register and index the javascript code that give us an item in the blog.
can see the example at the bottom of the sidebar of this blog (references).
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Cydia Sources Japanese
a particular header: # 1 animated clouds
The library that we use to add movement is called $ fx and free downloads. The first thing to do is download it to our computer and upload to any server, once done this should be added to the template:
We (Ctrl + f) tag: \u0026lt;/ head> and paste just before The following JavaScript code:
What we just did is to create each of the variables needed every cloud, ie define the type of movement (from left to right: left) from where the animation should start, as far as the animation must be: screen.availWidth regards the width of the window, and the speed with that will move the cloud. Following
paste this code must also styles
For each layer (# nube1 , # nube2 and # nube3 ) defines a width (width), high (height) and position: top and left. if the animation was from right to left position is not given by left but by right. attributes filter: alpha (opacity = 7);-moz-opacity: .7; opacity: .7 refer to the opacity of the layer, defined three because not all browsers use the same.
Animation locate the clouds appear where, in this case must be at the top of the blog, but as we have defined we can put absolutely positioned just below the \u0026lt;body>:
One last thing: to make the animation work we call it, the methods may be found in the documentation for the library but complications do not enter the call from the body by replacing \u0026lt;body> \u0026lt;body onload=" startAnimation ();">
Demo | This particular effect makes the header of our blog / web site in an added attraction. I implement Z-Graphics and I've heard from some visitors who get to play with the clouds:) (although in this part of the tutorial will discuss how to put the animation). |
The library that we use to add movement is called $ fx and free downloads. The first thing to do is download it to our computer and upload to any server, once done this should be added to the template:
\u0026lt;script type = "text / javascript" src = "url" fx.js " > \u0026lt;/ script>
We (Ctrl + f) tag: \u0026lt;/ head> and paste just before The following JavaScript code:
\u0026lt;script type="text/javascript"> var ani = {
var_nube1 :
{type: 'left',
from: 5,
to: screen.availWidth ,
step: 1,
delay: 50
var_nube2 :
{type: 'left',
from: 0,
to: screen.availWidth,
step: 1,
delay: 100,
OnStart : function () {
this.style.display = 'block';}
var_nube3 :
{type: 'left',
from: 600,
to: screen.availWidth,
step: 1,
delay: 100,
OnStart: function () {
this.style.display = 'block';
startAnimation function () {$
fx (' # nube1 '). fxAdd (ani. var_nube1 ). fxRun (null, -1);
$ fx (' # nube2 '). fxAdd (ani. var_nube2 ). fxRun (null, - 1);
$ fx ('# nube3 '). fxAdd (ani. var_nube3 ). fxRun (null, -1);}
\u0026lt;/ script>
What we just did is to create each of the variables needed every cloud, ie define the type of movement (from left to right: left) from where the animation should start, as far as the animation must be: screen.availWidth regards the width of the window, and the speed with that will move the cloud. Following
paste this code must also styles
\u0026lt;style type="text/css">
# nube1
{position: absolute;
top: 5%;
left: 5%;
width: 125px;
height: 67px;
filter: alpha (opacity = 5);
-moz-opacity: .5;
opacity: .5}
{position: absolute;
top: 10%;
left: 15%;
width: 125px;
height: 67px;
filter: alpha (opacity = 7);
- moz-opacity: .7;
opacity: .7
} #
{position: absolute;
top: 20%;
right: 5%;
width: 125px;
height: 67px ;
filter: alpha (opacity = 7);
-moz-opacity: .7;
opacity: .7
} \u0026lt;/ style>
For each layer (# nube1 , # nube2 and # nube3 ) defines a width (width), high (height) and position: top and left. if the animation was from right to left position is not given by left but by right. attributes filter: alpha (opacity = 7);-moz-opacity: .7; opacity: .7 refer to the opacity of the layer, defined three because not all browsers use the same.
Animation locate the clouds appear where, in this case must be at the top of the blog, but as we have defined we can put absolutely positioned just below the \u0026lt;body>:
\u0026lt;div id = " nube1 "> \u0026lt;img src = "images / nube.png " /> \u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div id="
nube2 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/ nube2.png /> \u0026lt; ; / div> \u0026lt;div id="
nube3 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/ nube.png /> \u0026lt;/ div>
nube2 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/ nube2.png /> \u0026lt; ; / div> \u0026lt;div id="
nube3 "> \u0026lt;img src="images/ nube.png /> \u0026lt;/ div>
One last thing: to make the animation work we call it, the methods may be found in the documentation for the library but complications do not enter the call from the body by replacing \u0026lt;body> \u0026lt;body onload=" startAnimation ();">
Demo Download | . Rar |
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
How Long Do Colleges Keep My Information On File
Z-Graphics Guidelines on Identifying
have some time come to believe in Z-Graphics as a company, I always wanted to use what little I have learned during my experience in blogger to serve and expand ideas through the web. Today that idea has evolved a bit, I've partnered with some friends and colleagues and today is the big day: the day they launch www.z-graphics.us . (8 - Dec 09 / 4:00 pm)
I've been a little busy in its design and is largely for this reason that I have not post as often as before, but it would be gratifying to receive feedback, suggestions and general comments about its design.
All this new experience has left me too many ideas to explain and bring to the blog, so very soon I will continue posting resources to do a little more bearable our path by blogger.
To give you an idea of \u200b\u200byour design will leave a picture of the design in photoshop:
have some time come to believe in Z-Graphics as a company, I always wanted to use what little I have learned during my experience in blogger to serve and expand ideas through the web. Today that idea has evolved a bit, I've partnered with some friends and colleagues and today is the big day: the day they launch www.z-graphics.us . (8 - Dec 09 / 4:00 pm)
I've been a little busy in its design and is largely for this reason that I have not post as often as before, but it would be gratifying to receive feedback, suggestions and general comments about its design.
All this new experience has left me too many ideas to explain and bring to the blog, so very soon I will continue posting resources to do a little more bearable our path by blogger.
To give you an idea of \u200b\u200byour design will leave a picture of the design in photoshop:
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Arm Warmers For Nuropathey
www blogger templates
is very common these days that when we finally finished our website or retouching blog, try it on several browsers to see how it is displayed on every one of them. The problem is that sometimes the changes are too drastic and would be great to give some notice to our visitors.
The easiest way to fix this is with a script that allows us to identify the browser from which you visit our site and depending on it to display a message or image. The script below where we should put the message (can be any HTML tags such as: images and text).
Where the text blue is any message that comes to mind, for example:
And here I leave some pictures for if they are to your liking:
is very common these days that when we finally finished our website or retouching blog, try it on several browsers to see how it is displayed on every one of them. The problem is that sometimes the changes are too drastic and would be great to give some notice to our visitors.
The easiest way to fix this is with a script that allows us to identify the browser from which you visit our site and depending on it to display a message or image. The script below where we should put the message (can be any HTML tags such as: images and text).
\u0026lt;script type="text/javascript">
if ( browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) {
document.write ( ' Here is what appears in Internet Explorer if ' ) ;
} else {
if ( is_chrome ) {
document.write ( ' Here is what appears in Google Chrome if ' ) ;} else {
/ / Check if mozilla firefox var
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase is_firefox = (). IndexOf ('firefox')> -1;
if ( is_firefox ) {document.write
( ' Here is what appears in case of Mozilla Firefox ' ) ;
\u0026lt;/ script>
/ / verify if Internet Explorer
var browser = navigator.appName; if ( browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) {
document.write ( ' Here is what appears in Internet Explorer if ' ) ;
} else {
/ / Check if google chrome
is_chrome var = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase (). indexOf ('chrome')> -1; if ( is_chrome ) {
document.write ( ' Here is what appears in Google Chrome if ' ) ;} else {
/ / Check if mozilla firefox var
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase is_firefox = (). IndexOf ('firefox')> -1;
if ( is_firefox ) {document.write
( ' Here is what appears in case of Mozilla Firefox ' ) ;
\u0026lt;/ script>
Where the text blue is any message that comes to mind, for example:
- To send a warning message, change the document.write by alert and write a message .
- if we want to show a link (for downloading internet explorer mozilla if, for example) we should leave document.write and quotes ' \u0026lt;a href="#tu-enlace> text or image \u0026lt;/ a> '.
And here I leave some pictures for if they are to your liking:
Friday, November 6, 2009
Calorieschocken Chow Mein
Saturday, September 19, 2009
How Does Healing Ringwork Look
FleXcroll: Custom scrollbars
First of all, I thank you all for having me patience ... some days have been very busy and unfortunately I could not keep my beloved blog as usual. A few days ago
Xabier as I wondered make scrollbars (scrollbars in browsers) is also displayed in custom mozilla and not only in internet explorer. I remembered that long ago I worked with a script qu let me and I wanted to share because the results are amazing and very well:)
First of all we attach to the template file javascript and css of FleXcroll:
After attaching the script and css, the first thing is to create a layer (div) to which we want to add custom scroll. In this ejmplo be called " miscroll ." It is important and should not be forgotten that the layer should have the word class flexcroll . \u0026lt;div
This layer let's add some styles:
Where property determines whether overflow applies or not the scroll, in this case (car) bars only appear if the content is greater than the dimensions of the layer given in width (W) and height (high).
adding some text to our example should look like this:
Si quieres que tambien aparezca la barra horizontal hay que añadir dentro de miscroll another layer with a width greater, something like this: #
and the html should look like this:
we should look like this:
El creador, www.hesido.com , nos offers a number of examples in this compressed folder. To change the image of each bar will have to modify the css file called flexcrollstyles for each example.
First of all, I thank you all for having me patience ... some days have been very busy and unfortunately I could not keep my beloved blog as usual. A few days ago
Xabier as I wondered make scrollbars (scrollbars in browsers) is also displayed in custom mozilla and not only in internet explorer. I remembered that long ago I worked with a script qu let me and I wanted to share because the results are amazing and very well:)
First of all we attach to the template file javascript and css of FleXcroll:
\u0026lt;link href=" url-flexcrollstyles.css "rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
type='text/javascript' \u0026lt;script src=" url-flexcroll.js "> \u0026lt;/ script>
type='text/javascript' \u0026lt;script src=" url-flexcroll.js "> \u0026lt;/ script>
After attaching the script and css, the first thing is to create a layer (div) to which we want to add custom scroll. In this ejmplo be called " miscroll ." It is important and should not be forgotten that the layer should have the word class flexcroll . \u0026lt;div
id=" miscroll "class="flexcroll">
... the content should go here ... \u0026lt;div>
... the content should go here ... \u0026lt;div>
This layer let's add some styles:
# Miscroll {
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
overflow: auto;
background: # D5EADE;
padding: 10px;}
width: 200px;
height: 100px;
overflow: auto;
background: # D5EADE;
padding: 10px;}
Where property determines whether overflow applies or not the scroll, in this case (car) bars only appear if the content is greater than the dimensions of the layer given in width (W) and height (high).
adding some text to our example should look like this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ultrices facilisis risus. Aenean sollicitudin imperdiet justo. Nam sed nulla sed metus blandit pretium. Morbi odio. Maecenas vestibulum dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam in elit. Nam venenatis urna id diam. Quisque porta. Sed ultricies, sem vel gravida mollis, pede lectus vehicula orci, quis sodales mauris velit vitae dui. Sed tincidunt mauris ut libero. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent adipiscing. Sed sem. Ut non justo. Cras pretium nibh scelerisque nibh hendrerit venenatis.
Nullam lobortis, dui nec accumsan molestie, ligula libero porta urna, in tincidunt ante lacus ac diam. Vestibulum erat risus, scelerisque non, mattis sit amet, aliquet convallis, enim. Sed mattis. Phasellus tristique. Nullam metus ipsum, sagittis at, tempor non, consectetuer eget, massa. Curabitur metus lacus, fringilla ac, interdum condimentum, hendrerit non, est. Morbi iaculis. Aenean lacus lectus, lacinia eget, hendrerit id, imperdiet ac, nisl. Praesent metus. Morbi mi elit, lacinia fringilla, luctus ut, tempor at, diam. Nulla arcu nibh, condimentum fringilla, nonummy et, volutpat eget, orci. Suspendisse et dui. Integer eget lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Suspendisse vitae odio. Sed risus nisl, mattis vitae, imperdiet et, semper nec, tellus. Quisque adipiscing, neque id faucibus fringilla, eros augue ultricies orci, quis tincidunt tortor elit gravida ligula. Suspendisse suscipit sem sit amet ipsum. Etiam elit.
Aenean ullamcorper leo a neque. Ut eros risus, ornare sed, luctus sit amet, mollis ut, nisl. Proin dui. Aliquam suscipit. Vestibulum nisl wisi, eleifend at, placerat et, lobortis vitae, dui. Nulla dapibus pretium nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ultricies nisl eu est. Aliquam ultrices, orci in dapibus facilisis, tortor pede bibendum neque, eget vestibulum lectus wisi vitae orci. Phasellus quis metus. In turpis diam, varius in, pulvinar sit amet, commodo ut, wisi. Donec leo nibh, iaculis in, facilisis non, mollis eget, eros. Morbi sem.
Nunc sed arcu. Phasellus euismod tincidunt eros. Proin ac purus. In dictum ante vitae libero. Proin pede. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, semper quis, dapibus eget, ultricies ac, pede. Aenean tristique tincidunt lorem. Aenean eget eros quis tellus tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam tempor, erat sit amet condimentum sagittis, ante sapien dapibus lectus, in tempor mauris sem non metus. Nam id orci. Nulla dignissim, felis in euismod tempor, neque turpis suscipit urna, id tristique mauris eros et dui.
Aliquam eget felis id elit congue tempus. Maecenas a velit. Sed egestas malesuada sapien. In sapien. Integer sit amet massa vitae justo vulputate viverra. Fusce suscipit, mi a lacinia lobortis, urna enim consectetuer risus, et ultrices ante nulla nec mauris. Integer pulvinar aliquet turpis. Phasellus fermentum diam at mauris. Ut nulla est, rhoncus sed, malesuada eget, rutrum ac, nunc. Curabitur in ante.
Aenean ullamcorper leo a neque. Ut eros risus, ornare sed, luctus sit amet, mollis ut, nisl. Proin dui. Aliquam suscipit. Vestibulum nisl wisi, eleifend at, placerat et, lobortis vitae, dui. Nulla dapibus pretium nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ultricies nisl eu est. Aliquam ultrices, orci in dapibus facilisis, tortor pede bibendum neque, eget vestibulum lectus wisi vitae orci. Phasellus quis metus. In turpis diam, varius in, pulvinar sit amet, commodo ut, wisi. Donec leo nibh, iaculis in, facilisis non, mollis eget, eros. Morbi sem.
Nunc sed arcu. Phasellus euismod tincidunt eros. Proin ac purus. In dictum ante vitae libero. Proin pede. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, semper quis, dapibus eget, ultricies ac, pede. Aenean tristique tincidunt lorem. Aenean eget eros quis tellus tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam tempor, erat sit amet condimentum sagittis, ante sapien dapibus lectus, in tempor mauris sem non metus. Nam id orci. Nulla dignissim, felis in euismod tempor, neque turpis suscipit urna, id tristique mauris eros et dui.
Aliquam eget felis id elit congue tempus. Maecenas a velit. Sed egestas malesuada sapien. In sapien. Integer sit amet massa vitae justo vulputate viverra. Fusce suscipit, mi a lacinia lobortis, urna enim consectetuer risus, et ultrices ante nulla nec mauris. Integer pulvinar aliquet turpis. Phasellus fermentum diam at mauris. Ut nulla est, rhoncus sed, malesuada eget, rutrum ac, nunc. Curabitur in ante.
Nullam lobortis, dui nec accumsan molestie, ligula libero porta urna, in tincidunt ante lacus ac diam. Vestibulum erat risus, scelerisque non, mattis sit amet, aliquet convallis, enim. Sed mattis. Phasellus tristique. Nullam metus ipsum, sagittis at, tempor non, consectetuer eget, massa. Curabitur metus lacus, fringilla ac, interdum condimentum, hendrerit non, est. Morbi iaculis. Aenean lacus lectus, lacinia eget, hendrerit id, imperdiet ac, nisl. Praesent metus. Morbi mi elit, lacinia fringilla, luctus ut, tempor at, diam. Nulla arcu nibh, condimentum fringilla, nonummy et, volutpat eget, orci. Suspendisse et dui. Integer eget lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Suspendisse vitae odio. Sed risus nisl, mattis vitae, imperdiet et, semper nec, tellus. Quisque adipiscing, neque id faucibus fringilla, eros augue ultricies orci, quis tincidunt tortor elit gravida ligula. Suspendisse suscipit sem sit amet ipsum. Etiam elit.
Aenean ullamcorper leo a neque. Ut eros risus, ornare sed, luctus sit amet, mollis ut, nisl. Proin dui. Aliquam suscipit. Vestibulum nisl wisi, eleifend at, placerat et, lobortis vitae, dui. Nulla dapibus pretium nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ultricies nisl eu est. Aliquam ultrices, orci in dapibus facilisis, tortor pede bibendum neque, eget vestibulum lectus wisi vitae orci. Phasellus quis metus. In turpis diam, varius in, pulvinar sit amet, commodo ut, wisi. Donec leo nibh, iaculis in, facilisis non, mollis eget, eros. Morbi sem.
Nunc sed arcu. Phasellus euismod tincidunt eros. Proin ac purus. In dictum ante vitae libero. Proin pede. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, semper quis, dapibus eget, ultricies ac, pede. Aenean tristique tincidunt lorem. Aenean eget eros quis tellus tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam tempor, erat sit amet condimentum sagittis, ante sapien dapibus lectus, in tempor mauris sem non metus. Nam id orci. Nulla dignissim, felis in euismod tempor, neque turpis suscipit urna, id tristique mauris eros et dui.
Aliquam eget felis id elit congue tempus. Maecenas a velit. Sed egestas malesuada sapien. In sapien. Integer sit amet massa vitae justo vulputate viverra. Fusce suscipit, mi a lacinia lobortis, urna enim consectetuer risus, et ultrices ante nulla nec mauris. Integer pulvinar aliquet turpis. Phasellus fermentum diam at mauris. Ut nulla est, rhoncus sed, malesuada eget, rutrum ac, nunc. Curabitur in ante.
Aenean ullamcorper leo a neque. Ut eros risus, ornare sed, luctus sit amet, mollis ut, nisl. Proin dui. Aliquam suscipit. Vestibulum nisl wisi, eleifend at, placerat et, lobortis vitae, dui. Nulla dapibus pretium nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ultricies nisl eu est. Aliquam ultrices, orci in dapibus facilisis, tortor pede bibendum neque, eget vestibulum lectus wisi vitae orci. Phasellus quis metus. In turpis diam, varius in, pulvinar sit amet, commodo ut, wisi. Donec leo nibh, iaculis in, facilisis non, mollis eget, eros. Morbi sem.
Nunc sed arcu. Phasellus euismod tincidunt eros. Proin ac purus. In dictum ante vitae libero. Proin pede. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, semper quis, dapibus eget, ultricies ac, pede. Aenean tristique tincidunt lorem. Aenean eget eros quis tellus tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam tempor, erat sit amet condimentum sagittis, ante sapien dapibus lectus, in tempor mauris sem non metus. Nam id orci. Nulla dignissim, felis in euismod tempor, neque turpis suscipit urna, id tristique mauris eros et dui.
Aliquam eget felis id elit congue tempus. Maecenas a velit. Sed egestas malesuada sapien. In sapien. Integer sit amet massa vitae justo vulputate viverra. Fusce suscipit, mi a lacinia lobortis, urna enim consectetuer risus, et ultrices ante nulla nec mauris. Integer pulvinar aliquet turpis. Phasellus fermentum diam at mauris. Ut nulla est, rhoncus sed, malesuada eget, rutrum ac, nunc. Curabitur in ante.
Si quieres que tambien aparezca la barra horizontal hay que añadir dentro de miscroll another layer with a width greater, something like this: #
miscrollHorizontal {
width: 300px;}
width: 300px;}
and the html should look like this:
\u0026lt;div id = " miscroll "class =" flexcroll "> \u0026lt;div id="
miscrollHorizontal ">
... the content should go here ...
\u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div
miscrollHorizontal ">
... the content should go here ...
\u0026lt;/ div> \u0026lt;div
we should look like this:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Pellentesque ultrices facilisis risus. Aenean sollicitudin imperdiet justo. Nam sed nulla sed metus blandit pretium. Morbi odio. Maecenas vestibulum dolor. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur
ridiculus mus. Nullam in elit. Nam venenatis urna id diam. Quisque porta. Sed ultricies, sem vel gravida mollis, pede lectus vehicula orci, quis sodales mauris velit vitae dui. Sed tincidunt mauris ut libero. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent adipiscing. Sed sem. Ut non justo. Cras pretium nibh scelerisque nibh hendrerit venenatis.
Nullam lobortis, dui nec accumsan molestie, ligula libero porta urna, in tincidunt ante lacus ac diam. Vestibulum erat risus, scelerisque non, mattis sit amet, aliquet convallis, enim. Sed mattis. Phasellus tristique. Nullam metus ipsum, sagittis at, tempor non, consectetuer eget, massa. Curabitur metus lacus, fringilla ac, interdum condimentum, hendrerit non, est. Morbi iaculis. Aenean lacus lectus, lacinia eget, hendrerit id, imperdiet ac, nisl. Praesent metus. Morbi mi elit, lacinia fringilla, luctus ut, tempor at, diam. Nulla arcu nibh, condimentum fringilla, nonummy et, volutpat eget, orci. Suspendisse et dui. Integer eget lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Suspendisse vitae odio. Sed risus nisl, mattis vitae, imperdiet et, semper nec, tellus. Quisque adipiscing, neque id faucibus fringilla, eros augue ultricies orci, quis tincidunt tortor elit gravida ligula. Suspendisse suscipit sem sit amet ipsum. Etiam elit.
Aenean ullamcorper leo a neque. Ut eros risus, ornare sed, luctus sit amet, mollis ut, nisl. Proin dui. Aliquam suscipit. Vestibulum nisl wisi, eleifend at, placerat et, lobortis vitae, dui. Nulla dapibus pretium nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ultricies nisl eu est. Aliquam ultrices, orci in dapibus facilisis, tortor pede bibendum neque, eget vestibulum lectus wisi vitae orci. Phasellus quis metus. In turpis diam, varius in, pulvinar sit amet, commodo ut, wisi. Donec leo nibh, iaculis in, facilisis non, mollis eget, eros. Morbi sem.
Nunc sed arcu. Phasellus euismod tincidunt eros. Proin ac purus. In dictum ante vitae libero. Proin pede. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, semper quis, dapibus eget, ultricies ac, pede. Aenean tristique tincidunt lorem. Aenean eget eros quis tellus tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam tempor, erat sit amet condimentum sagittis, ante sapien dapibus lectus, in tempor mauris sem non metus. Nam id orci. Nulla dignissim, felis in euismod tempor, neque turpis suscipit urna, id tristique mauris eros et dui.
Aliquam eget felis id elit congue tempus. Maecenas a velit. Sed egestas malesuada sapien. In sapien. Integer sit amet massa vitae justo vulputate viverra. Fusce suscipit, mi a lacinia lobortis, urna enim consectetuer risus, et ultrices ante nulla nec mauris. Integer pulvinar aliquet turpis. Phasellus fermentum diam at mauris. Ut nulla est, rhoncus sed, malesuada eget, rutrum ac, nunc. Curabitur in ante.
Aenean ullamcorper leo a neque. Ut eros risus, ornare sed, luctus sit amet, mollis ut, nisl. Proin dui. Aliquam suscipit. Vestibulum nisl wisi, eleifend at, placerat et, lobortis vitae, dui. Nulla dapibus pretium nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ultricies nisl eu est. Aliquam ultrices, orci in dapibus facilisis, tortor pede bibendum neque, eget vestibulum lectus wisi vitae orci. Phasellus quis metus. In turpis diam, varius in, pulvinar sit amet, commodo ut, wisi. Donec leo nibh, iaculis in, facilisis non, mollis eget, eros. Morbi sem.
Nunc sed arcu. Phasellus euismod tincidunt eros. Proin ac purus. In dictum ante vitae libero. Proin pede. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, semper quis, dapibus eget, ultricies ac, pede. Aenean tristique tincidunt lorem. Aenean eget eros quis tellus tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam tempor, erat sit amet condimentum sagittis, ante sapien dapibus lectus, in tempor mauris sem non metus. Nam id orci. Nulla dignissim, felis in euismod tempor, neque turpis suscipit urna, id tristique mauris eros et dui.
Aliquam eget felis id elit congue tempus. Maecenas a velit. Sed egestas malesuada sapien. In sapien. Integer sit amet massa vitae justo vulputate viverra. Fusce suscipit, mi a lacinia lobortis, urna enim consectetuer risus, et ultrices ante nulla nec mauris. Integer pulvinar aliquet turpis. Phasellus fermentum diam at mauris. Ut nulla est, rhoncus sed, malesuada eget, rutrum ac, nunc. Curabitur in ante.
ridiculus mus. Nullam in elit. Nam venenatis urna id diam. Quisque porta. Sed ultricies, sem vel gravida mollis, pede lectus vehicula orci, quis sodales mauris velit vitae dui. Sed tincidunt mauris ut libero. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent adipiscing. Sed sem. Ut non justo. Cras pretium nibh scelerisque nibh hendrerit venenatis.
Nullam lobortis, dui nec accumsan molestie, ligula libero porta urna, in tincidunt ante lacus ac diam. Vestibulum erat risus, scelerisque non, mattis sit amet, aliquet convallis, enim. Sed mattis. Phasellus tristique. Nullam metus ipsum, sagittis at, tempor non, consectetuer eget, massa. Curabitur metus lacus, fringilla ac, interdum condimentum, hendrerit non, est. Morbi iaculis. Aenean lacus lectus, lacinia eget, hendrerit id, imperdiet ac, nisl. Praesent metus. Morbi mi elit, lacinia fringilla, luctus ut, tempor at, diam. Nulla arcu nibh, condimentum fringilla, nonummy et, volutpat eget, orci. Suspendisse et dui. Integer eget lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Suspendisse vitae odio. Sed risus nisl, mattis vitae, imperdiet et, semper nec, tellus. Quisque adipiscing, neque id faucibus fringilla, eros augue ultricies orci, quis tincidunt tortor elit gravida ligula. Suspendisse suscipit sem sit amet ipsum. Etiam elit.
Aenean ullamcorper leo a neque. Ut eros risus, ornare sed, luctus sit amet, mollis ut, nisl. Proin dui. Aliquam suscipit. Vestibulum nisl wisi, eleifend at, placerat et, lobortis vitae, dui. Nulla dapibus pretium nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ultricies nisl eu est. Aliquam ultrices, orci in dapibus facilisis, tortor pede bibendum neque, eget vestibulum lectus wisi vitae orci. Phasellus quis metus. In turpis diam, varius in, pulvinar sit amet, commodo ut, wisi. Donec leo nibh, iaculis in, facilisis non, mollis eget, eros. Morbi sem.
Nunc sed arcu. Phasellus euismod tincidunt eros. Proin ac purus. In dictum ante vitae libero. Proin pede. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, semper quis, dapibus eget, ultricies ac, pede. Aenean tristique tincidunt lorem. Aenean eget eros quis tellus tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam tempor, erat sit amet condimentum sagittis, ante sapien dapibus lectus, in tempor mauris sem non metus. Nam id orci. Nulla dignissim, felis in euismod tempor, neque turpis suscipit urna, id tristique mauris eros et dui.
Aliquam eget felis id elit congue tempus. Maecenas a velit. Sed egestas malesuada sapien. In sapien. Integer sit amet massa vitae justo vulputate viverra. Fusce suscipit, mi a lacinia lobortis, urna enim consectetuer risus, et ultrices ante nulla nec mauris. Integer pulvinar aliquet turpis. Phasellus fermentum diam at mauris. Ut nulla est, rhoncus sed, malesuada eget, rutrum ac, nunc. Curabitur in ante.
Aenean ullamcorper leo a neque. Ut eros risus, ornare sed, luctus sit amet, mollis ut, nisl. Proin dui. Aliquam suscipit. Vestibulum nisl wisi, eleifend at, placerat et, lobortis vitae, dui. Nulla dapibus pretium nulla. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ultricies nisl eu est. Aliquam ultrices, orci in dapibus facilisis, tortor pede bibendum neque, eget vestibulum lectus wisi vitae orci. Phasellus quis metus. In turpis diam, varius in, pulvinar sit amet, commodo ut, wisi. Donec leo nibh, iaculis in, facilisis non, mollis eget, eros. Morbi sem.
Nunc sed arcu. Phasellus euismod tincidunt eros. Proin ac purus. In dictum ante vitae libero. Proin pede. Pellentesque tellus ipsum, semper quis, dapibus eget, ultricies ac, pede. Aenean tristique tincidunt lorem. Aenean eget eros quis tellus tincidunt condimentum. Aliquam tempor, erat sit amet condimentum sagittis, ante sapien dapibus lectus, in tempor mauris sem non metus. Nam id orci. Nulla dignissim, felis in euismod tempor, neque turpis suscipit urna, id tristique mauris eros et dui.
Aliquam eget felis id elit congue tempus. Maecenas a velit. Sed egestas malesuada sapien. In sapien. Integer sit amet massa vitae justo vulputate viverra. Fusce suscipit, mi a lacinia lobortis, urna enim consectetuer risus, et ultrices ante nulla nec mauris. Integer pulvinar aliquet turpis. Phasellus fermentum diam at mauris. Ut nulla est, rhoncus sed, malesuada eget, rutrum ac, nunc. Curabitur in ante.
El creador, www.hesido.com , nos offers a number of examples in this compressed folder. To change the image of each bar will have to modify the css file called flexcrollstyles for each example.
Monday, September 7, 2009
How Much Venison Does Deer
The battle of social networks
At the risk of seeming a bit heavy with the videos, I find this particularly interesting to show its content: the complicated issue of social networks. It is worthwhile to reflect and think if we are consumed by one in particular, what do you think?
At the risk of seeming a bit heavy with the videos, I find this particularly interesting to show its content: the complicated issue of social networks. It is worthwhile to reflect and think if we are consumed by one in particular, what do you think?
Import Mp3 Propellor Reason
Michael Jackson already has a black bow at the MTV
" The ad shows a black tie with white socks and black shoes so characteristic of King of Pop. "
Source \u0026lt;/ Body> HTML editing. And using CSS (this code should be pasted before \u0026lt;/ head>):
{position: absolute;
: 0 ;
top: 0;
display: block;
height: 125
" The ad shows a black tie with white socks and black shoes so characteristic of King of Pop. "
Source \u0026lt;/ Body> HTML editing. And using CSS (this code should be pasted before \u0026lt;/ head>):
{position: absolute;
top: 0;
display: block;
height: 125
width: 125 px;
background: url (url-image
fondo.png ) no-repeat; text-indent:-999em;
text-decoration: none;}
In this case the image will float to the right side of the property right, if we want to float to the opposite side will be left. also top and bottom can change and this will be the end of all content.
As I said in previous cases, the word ribbon
s beginning code only to make reference to the link with that name only, the structure should be like this (this code should be pasted before \u0026lt;/ body>):
\u0026lt;a id=" ribbon "href="
" title="TITULO"> RIBBON TEXT \u0026lt;/ a>
background: url (url-image
fondo.png ) no-repeat; text-indent:-999em;
text-decoration: none;}
In this case the image will float to the right side of the property right, if we want to float to the opposite side will be left. also top and bottom can change and this will be the end of all content.
As I said in previous cases, the word ribbon
s beginning code only to make reference to the link with that name only, the structure should be like this (this code should be pasted before \u0026lt;/ body>):
\u0026lt;a id=" ribbon "href="
" title="TITULO"> RIBBON TEXT \u0026lt;/ a>
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Carrier Rebates December 2010
Ribbon Inspiration (Websites)
In Pattern8 doleccion you find a great eye-catching patterns to decorate your blog, website, photoshop designs, etc. Everything depends on what you want to give. It seems important to point out how you can find your funds: they are organized by color and by order of pages, with the press Click on a color variety of patterns to get that tone.
; Visit Pattern8.com
In Pattern8 doleccion you find a great eye-catching patterns to decorate your blog, website, photoshop designs, etc. Everything depends on what you want to give. It seems important to point out how you can find your funds: they are organized by color and by order of pages, with the press Click on a color variety of patterns to get that tone.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Follow Up Emial After Interview
pattern8: collection of patterns (funds)
often visited some websites and blogs presonal in English the most, and I was with a lower bar of google with the followers, comments, recent activity, etc. I was always curious to know how to add and come to think it was a paid, two days ago I saw her again, so I gave myself the task of finding out and if anyone does not know today I will try to explain:
often visited some websites and blogs presonal in English the most, and I was with a lower bar of google with the followers, comments, recent activity, etc. I was always curious to know how to add and come to think it was a paid, two days ago I saw her again, so I gave myself the task of finding out and if anyone does not know today I will try to explain:
can see an online demo
this page.
The first will enter 
Google friend connect and enter the data from our google account. see our list of blogs on the left, click on pressed you want to add the social bar. We choose the option
social bar, and then fill the data and preferences, such as where will the bar (up or down), comments from the bar will be for each individual page or to the full blog, etc. To add the bar to the template by clicking on the button "Generate code" and select and copy the contents of the box. Go to the Layout tab> Edit HTML and look \u0026lt;body> and paste the code right after previous.
It is worth noting that we should not add the snippet of code from step 1 (appears when you press on the Generate Code button) because it is like to have blogger templates, you just have to paste the text box. Continuing
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Kirklands Organic Milk
Google friend connect: the bar

with this simple video series, today I share how to make a website from photoshop (no design, just select sectors).