is very common these days that when we finally finished our website or retouching blog, try it on several browsers to see how it is displayed on every one of them. The problem is that sometimes the changes are too drastic and would be great to give some notice to our visitors.
The easiest way to fix this is with a script that allows us to identify the browser from which you visit our site and depending on it to display a message or image. The script below where we should put the message (can be any HTML tags such as: images and text).
\u0026lt;script type="text/javascript">
if ( browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) {
document.write ( ' Here is what appears in Internet Explorer if ' ) ;
} else {
if ( is_chrome ) {
document.write ( ' Here is what appears in Google Chrome if ' ) ;} else {
/ / Check if mozilla firefox var
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase is_firefox = (). IndexOf ('firefox')> -1;
if ( is_firefox ) {document.write
( ' Here is what appears in case of Mozilla Firefox ' ) ;
\u0026lt;/ script>
/ / verify if Internet Explorer
var browser = navigator.appName; if ( browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" ) {
document.write ( ' Here is what appears in Internet Explorer if ' ) ;
} else {
/ / Check if google chrome
is_chrome var = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase (). indexOf ('chrome')> -1; if ( is_chrome ) {
document.write ( ' Here is what appears in Google Chrome if ' ) ;} else {
/ / Check if mozilla firefox var
navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase is_firefox = (). IndexOf ('firefox')> -1;
if ( is_firefox ) {document.write
( ' Here is what appears in case of Mozilla Firefox ' ) ;
\u0026lt;/ script>
Where the text blue is any message that comes to mind, for example:
- To send a warning message, change the document.write by alert and write a message .
- if we want to show a link (for downloading internet explorer mozilla if, for example) we should leave document.write and quotes ' \u0026lt;a href="#tu-enlace> text or image \u0026lt;/ a> '.
And here I leave some pictures for if they are to your liking: