This save a life is very, like, romantic, grand, spectacular.
You grow up thinking that someday, maybe, you can save someone's life and then you'll be the coolest person on the planet, and maybe the person who saved his life will be eternal gratitude, or that I know.
undeceive buddies But, what of slave life is good, but not very lucid to say, I tell you from personal experience, believe me.
When he was 11, my brother was 7 and could not swim.
My mother at that time was super in love with the hippie commune of tortilla hypocrites, who now lived in the middle of the mountain with the shocking amount of two neighbors as a single company.
Well, cows, goats and chickens and gardens.
Right next to the orchard that had hippie boyfriend, had a raft not very large, about two meters deep, that when we had the courage, we used the pool more than anything else why ,
1-received water from the mountain and as I was leaving was entering a drain, so that the average water temperature was around -50 degrees below zero and I've been staggering my whole life.
2-was full of water snakes and we went between the legs when we swam, an experience that contributed greatly to the panic that I give those guys.
We were a hot summer afternoon making it the drone my brother and I around the raft, when it lost its footing and that sack of potatoes fell within the raft.
As I said, my brother could not swim, which began sucking water more or less the same moment he fell while trying frantically to stay afloat.
My first thought was that or I joke I got in the water, which was by digestion and be drowned one of the two was enough.
reflected and then told me that digestion of the cuts would not be so serious and that total was close, sure you hooked before to give me a sirocco or something.
After that I did not think, just looking for some reason I remember hearing perfectly every drink of water that swallowed a glob, glob, glob, monotonous and mechanical.
Later, I found out that I was in shock and that's why I was there watching, sensing that the time had stopped and noticing in weird things like that which vacuum swallow ocean water.
came this point where you say, look mari, or go into the water and palm bags or the baby, so I thought, here I got my brother and I would say head but I got feet actually got the first one step and then another and particularly when I found that since the step is not reached swam up to meet him, I took him in tow as I could that the Jodie stirring like mad and took it off the raft and I could.
In these I heard my mother around and started to call it, was soon accompanied by the groom and nothing hippie more to see my brother started screaming and soaked sheepishly style terrified father and shit to the core.
I thought there was for less, and explained what happened, he fell and almost drowned but me, or I, had heroically out of the water, most likely having been threatened with death by lethal cut digestion of water ice and water snakes.
Then my mother got the fucking nerve and gives you something little, she and her hippie boyfriend took my brother on wings and after verifying that it was well metiron in bed until the next day.
The heroine of the story is stood by the pond waiting to give him at least thank you, but nerves were forgotten even my existence.
I said, look, nothing happens when they pass the shock will come and thank me, adore me, I will make the ball forever and reward me with tons of goodies.
What actually happened is that as I soaked sneakers were fully stretched three days at least, it seemed that an elf bastard came at night and be entertained in flooded again, but not as full expluica Summer can be a sneakers so long to dry as had no other I had to go three days in flip flops, a nuisance going, that was not used and could not do the goose with them without thorns.
And no sign of grace, let him hear.
So I said, that saving lives is shit and I do not repeat.
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