Sunday, May 1, 2011

Indiana Drivers License Layout

I can not complain

Last week, my brother, after more than a year to be unemployed, has found legal work through a temp agency for two weeks from now.
plug has gone by, of course, that up to make workhorse for little money, you have to enter plug.
trap comes home, they have given no clothing, no locker, or cutter, and safety boots, I brought him home, many of those things have to provide the TSEs, but does not .
But you can not complain, because at least now have a job.

Last week, the middle sister knew grapefruit later this month, the company closed due to retirement.
many years know that this would happen, but in October they signed the mortgage on the ground that they are building and are paying for two and it is very possible that at that time did not have a job, the fact is that trust endure this entire year in a very profitable family business, which has 9.
the street is going broke, not theirs indenminación, her or the partner who has 40 years working for that family.

Last week ended mi etapa de un año trabajando como externa, para una gran empresa, de los 5 externos, dos fueron reubicados en la compañía que ha comprado a la empresa, dos son despedidos y yo, vuelvo a la empresa que me paga, empeorando sueldo y horario, perdiendo incentivos económicos, empeorando el trato que me van a dar y volviendo a un mecanismo de trabajo absolutamente esclavista.
Pero no me puedo quejar, por que tengo trabajo.

Antes de los recortes de este gobierno, ya existían muchos sectores que trabajaban en condiciones que daban verguenza, a disposición total de la empresa, con sueldos ridículos, en una sucesión contínua Contract until end of work that ended with the dismissal when he played them permanent after three years chained rotating contracts by companies in the same company.
Before there was already a great mass of exploited workers find it impossible, without any economic or job security.
What happens is that before, just happened to many, what comes next, it happens to us all.

But while football and put TV programs peeling and our favorite series, we continue looking, that indeed, the world is not so bad.
It must be so that but for months the streets would be full of angry citizens in a wildcat strike without end.


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