I beat my own record and I have been able to take cold without having cured me of my last cold, having gastroenteritis and urinary tract infection, all together while at the same price , hear.
So the first New Year's Resolution, so far not going well, namely, better start running out.
I ended up with gastro gastro and I started and have been joined by the rest.
I do not complain, do not leave to think, that at least I have no back pain or any of the three inflamed wisdom teeth, which are opportunistic diseases, or that since you X hurts, we are in solidarity and mourn.
For that, it's over the fucking 2010, 2011 has already started and here we continue war.
For today I leave the thought of my dear friend B, who has had a year of shit and even so the 31 calls to tell me that despite everything has come to realize that she is not alone in the world and at least has people he loves around him.
The thinking is, if not understood, that in any year of hell, even 2010, we can get something good.
And that is something good from all evil, proves to be a survivor.
For the survivors.
And that will be all the shit that got us the trip, we blew their noses and did not take the part they played.
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