I Used Flat Red, and Ultramarine Blue INSTEAD of Flat Blue. Ultramarine has a brighter, more intense look, That I think Makes a perfect contrast with the red zones. The eyes and the spider logo painted with Glossy Black Were
Mate I used Red and Ultramarine Blue instead of Mate. Overseas looks brighter, more intense, which I think gives a perfect contrast to the red areas. eyes and the spider symbol with Gloss Black painted.

First Outlining of the spider web pattern. I Used Black, mixed with a bit of soap to make it flow more passes over. I started to see a problem at this stage: WAS the front spider Almost Lost Amongst the black lines. The eyes of the mask Received a Pale Grey coat.
first profile of the web of spider web. Black used, mixed with a little soap to make it flow better. I began to see a problem at this stage: the spider front was practically lost in the black lines. The eyes of the mask were a layer of pale gray.

First shadows over the blue zones. As usual, made with a mix of base color + black, very thinned down with water. I painted a black line over the eyes, the first step to try to Achieve a reflective finish. First
shadows on the blue areas. As usual, made with a blend of base color + black, very diluted with water. I painted a black line above the eyes, the first step to try to achieve reflective finish.
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