Sunday, February 20, 2011

Current First Aid Article

Hulka part II again over Mini

long time ago that I turn to the issue of language and the truth is I do not know if I know correctly convey my thoughts about it. Already

I've stuck many cakes in my life verbal issues like this and I will not hit me more, what matters is convincing and that's complicated, so far from wanting to create controversy, I would expose you some of my thoughts on the subject, which may or may not be accurate, but are mine.

begin by saying that I am a Catalan speaker, because my mother is, that their parents were, their grandparents were and so on.
My maternal grandmother was from Valencia, his mother, so in my house sometimes spoke a curious mixture of Catalan and Valencian and of course I feel a great affection for Valencia.

My father was born in Malaga but he came to Barcelona for two years.
of his land, as he calls it, knows only what he has seen the most.

Castilian We spoke to 100% were bilingual, he said, but the fact is that we spoke Castilian that hates everything Catalan Catalonia.

I say that my brother uses as a first language outside the family, Castilian, who speaks with her partner, the Castilian that she can not speak Catalan.
with their children speak in Castilian.

Most 7 years can not speak Catalan, that apart from at school, do not ever hear.

I talk to my partner and I have friends in Catalan Catalan-speaking Castilian speakers and friends and foreign friends who speak it and understand it and others who neither speak nor understand much.
When we get together is a beautiful mixture of Castilian, Catalan, English and German and we just entendiendon all.
is, here, everyone speaks in what he wants.

I like to speak Catalan, a language is pretty, sweet and somewhat innocent until insults are Tonton and little hurtful.
When I hear sounds wonderful, rich and old and speaks in 4 countries. But
Catalan has other less friendly face that is the point of conflict.

I often tell myself that in view of what works and I bring up, maybe it would be easier, I do not know, forget about the Catalan language and adopt as the only Castilian, total, I used to many more things and our regional government would save a lot of money going into bilingualism and the people who come and not know it would not have any complication.
would be great, I'm sure.

But languages \u200b\u200bsay a lot of people who speak them, show you how to think, as they are, what they like, where they come and just thinking about something so intimate and so deep, so earthbound, makes me want to mourn and think not, that Catalan should remain a living language to be achieved that way.

The issue is that Somebody's niece / a just arrived in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bfor example comes from another part of Spain and want to live here.
speak Castilian As you will understand everywhere but at this point we have several options ,
1-As we understand it is not necessary to learn Catalan.
2-As you will live here and is co-official Catalan, knowing it will give you better job opportunities and integrará mejor si lo habla que si no.
Pero que haga lo que quiera.

3-Si va a vivir y trabajar aquí, es obligatorio que lo aprenda.
Simplificando, creo que estas son las opciones más evidentes, si se os ocurren otras, me las decís.

A primera vista, a mi la que me parece más guay, es la segunda, libertad de elección total.
A mi me gustaría que esa fuese una opción viable, pero esta opción tiene un pero.
La mayoría de personas nos regimos por la ley del mínimo esfuerzo.
Entonces, si tenemos en cuenta que Cataluña es una de las comunidades con más immigration country, do you believe the Catalan survive this being a land with so much immigration?

I do not agree with many of the policies for protection of Catalan because I think they are useless, because the taxation is not a solution, a patch and above all, because I am sick of policy is made with these things.
Catalonia I think is wrong and a lot in many of the measures taken on the tongue.
But then, we must not forget that the Catalan language is as valid as the Castilian and the people who want to talk entitled to it, at home, in a shop or public administration.

Despite what is said out there, many citizens of this land do not know Catalan, I have set two nearby examples, largely because the perception is that it is not necessary to know and is actually , it is not.

Many of my colleagues during my working life, born here, having studied in schools where Catalan is taught well, speak it so badly that if they had to pass a language test the suspended.

Of course, I do not know how to write and do not ever use it outside of work.

I would like that Catalan sigiese be a useful language for many years, taught and appreciated and not be sticking point for anyone but a meeting point, but in the situation today, the question is how?
Are you able to survive without a language to be protected when the place in which the speaker has such a high percentage of people who vienbe elsewhere?
And it is possible, what are the right measures, do not discriminate against anyone and do continue to flourish my beautiful language?


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