Thursday, February 24, 2011

Mahabringan Oil For Hair Is Good


So, WAS removed and the latex, as you can see, Some parts in the blue and purple laquers overlaped. It Happened WAS Were the latex coat thinner.
Well, I pulled out the latex and, as you can see, in some areas blue and purple lacquer overlap. occurred where the latex was thinner.

A close-up of the "disaster."
A closeup of the "disaster."

I Had to repaint Those zones, and WAS the first step to mask the surrounding areas. This time, I Decided to use Post-It and masking tape. It Was a slow process, But It Better guaranteed to finish. To Make Some of the masks, I put the masking tape over the zone and Then, with a grafite pen, I Mark the contour. Then I removed it with scissors.
had to repaint these areas, and the first step was to mask the surrounding areas. This time, I decided to use Post-It and masking tape. It was a slow process, but ensured a better outcome. To make some of the masks, I put masking tape over the area and with a pencil, trace the outline. Then remove it with scissors.

Again, Another coat of Chrome. Again, wait a Few Days for the paint to set.
De Again, another layer of chromium. Again, wait a few days to cure the paint.

The head, where, the coat of latex was very thick, is one of the zones That Had a Better finish.
head, where the latex was very thick, is one of the best have fallen.


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